Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekend Update.

Because I have pretty long work hours and also some other evening commitments during the week, I - like a lot of working triathletes - double up workouts on the weekends.  This weekend went well. I got a little sick on Saturday so moved my long ride to Sunday, ended up chucking run intervals and a swim but there's not much I can do about that.

Accepting that I can't control when I'm going to feel well and when I get sick has been a big part of my recovery.  Sure, I have workouts planned but I always make my training plans with the understanding that things may get shifted around.  Specifically this weekend: Saturday was to be a long ride and swim and then Sunday I had some run intervals and another swim planned.  Like I said, Saturday was a wash. I had a fever of 102 and couldn't do much. I went back and forth on whether or not to go to the ER but I ended up just taking some pain meds at home and tried to sleep the ick away. I made up the long ride on Sunday and swam on Sunday.  So, I'm a swim and some run intervals down.  I'll probably be able to get the run intervals in tonight but I think the swim may be gone forever.

This is pretty much the norm - a constant shuffling around of workouts to adjust for times when I'm not feeling well/in the hospital.  I'm a super type-A, hyper-organized, planner carrying kind of girl so initially, I crumpled under the stress of beating myself up over missing workouts.  I'm done with that now....mostly because I'm stoked I get to train at all.

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